Martin Kriegel, Attorney at Law, Germany
- April 01, 2014
- Diane Gruber
- Success Stories

Paul, I would imagine that you get compliments on a regular basis, but am nonetheless delighted that you were kind enough to write back. Second, I really do believe that what you created is quite extraordinary. You are welcome to use comments of mine on your website if you’d like to. It would be my honor.
In recent years, it seemed to me that the correction of entrenched habits of pronunciation would more appropriately fall within the scope of a speech pathologist’s work rather than that of an ESL teacher. Unfortunately, I didn’t know a speech pathologist to recommend, and, frankly, I didn’t even know if any of them (I guess I should say, “You”) did this kind of work. I now see that perhaps I could have been a bit more diligent in researching this!
I teach month-long courses designed for non-US lawyers on “English for Law and Business”. Some of the courses have an ESL component. (I teach the law part). Almost all the participants have very high levels of English. However, we have never been quite satisfied with the outcome in the area of pronunciation.
Your approach, I believe, is extremely effective. Your training method is very efficient and quite enjoyable as well.
I wish I had known about it years ago. Your program is extraordinary. I will recommend it highly to all those interested. Thank you!