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Grzegorz Trzosek, Warranty Assistant UK, Poland

Paul’s course is absolutely the BEST. I’ll tell you what – he is also the BEST teacher I have ever met. Every time I work with the program, I pick up something new, and I don’t understand how.

When I was a kid, I dreamed that one day I would speak English with confidence. I have tried many different courses over the years and was never been happy with any of the results. I was always missing something, but I didn't know what it was. That was, until I found Paul Gruber’s Pronunciation Workshop Program.

Paul’s passion for what he does is amazing. There are no words which can describe how I appreciate this course and the support I received. My plan is to take more LIVE training over Skype, because my goal is to speak perfectly!

Because of Paul’s course, I feel very comfortable when I speak English, and my co-workers can understand me easily. In fact, it may be an even bigger surprise for them than for me, because of how I now speak. I sound like a different person!